919-790-2220 [email protected]

Facts About Dental Implants

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots used to support a restoration for missing teeth or a single tooth, helping to stop or prevent jaw bone loss. The implantation procedure is a form of prosthetic (artificial replacement) dentistry but is also considered cosmetic dentistry. Dental implant surgery is typically an outpatient surgery performed in stages: First, Your damaged tooth is removed. Second, Your jawbone is prepared for surgery, a process that may involve bone grafting. Third, after your jawbone heals, your dentist places the dental implant metal post in your jawbone. It generally takes about an hour to place a single implant. If you’re getting multiple implants, the time for your surgery may take longer. Once your dental implant has been placed, it will take about 4-6 months to heal.


Dental implant surgery is typically an outpatient surgery performed in stages: First, Your damaged tooth is removed. Second, Your jawbone is prepared for surgery, a process that may involve bone grafting. Third, after your jawbone heals, your dentist places the dental implant metal post in your jawbone. It generally takes about an hour to place a single implant. If you’re getting multiple implants, the time for your surgery may take longer. Once your dental implant has been placed, it will take about 4-6 months to heal.

Dental implants are designed to last a long time — upwards of 25 years — and are a long-term, permanent teeth replacement solution. Implant alternatives typically last between 5 to 15 years before needing to be replaced.

Have more questions about implants? Give us a call and schedule your consultation. 919-790-2220.